Arm workouts are a vital feature of bodybuilding. You probably see people with massive arms and say to yourself, “I want one.” Getting those vast arms is not an easy task. It involves putting in massive amounts of workout time, either at home or at the gym. There are several techniques to achieve it, but different levels to which an interval can work out, pending on expertise level.
A beginner in most contents would need to do 15 to 20 reps, as a single workout set daily, and even that may be pushing the limits. An expert, on the other hand, may put up 70 to 100 reps, and still not be satisfied. The more reps an individual can put up, usually determines how big their arms will get, and thus a beginner is expected to have skinny arms, but that will change once this workout routine is established and followed-up.
The Best Arm Workouts For Beginners
Remember to compliment all exercises with dietary workout supplements, as they offer up a lot of added advantages, including extra energy, muscle regeneration, and facilitate a longer lasting workout duration. Ensure that all workout routines after reps and sets are carried out with time intervals to give the muscles time to stretch back into position and prevent injuries. After each set, rest for at least 2 minutes, before proceeding to the next set. Without further ado, here are some of the primary arm workout techniques a beginner would require:
The Hammer Curl
This workout requires dumbbells. The dumbbells are held in each hand on either side of the hips; the dumbbells are curled to the elbow level and returned to the hips, that’s one rep. 15 to 20 reps are required daily to maintain continuity. Push on through the pain; it just means it’s working.
Chest Press
This is a prevalent workout technique; it requires a barbell and a bench. Lie on your back on the bench, and lift the barbell till your arms are outstretched and then return them to your chest. When carrying out this technique, ensure there is always a partner or trainer to assist you, should you need help.
Seated High Back Row
This workout requires a cable attached to a system. You sit down on a chair, with feet firmly planted on the ground and your back straightened. Pull the cable toward your chest, and once it arrives, stretch it out. Maintain the position of both the legs and back to ensure that you get the best results.
Bench Dips
This workout does not require an actual bench and can be done anywhere. It involves the use of an elevated platform. With your back to the platform and feet stretched out, place your arms on it and lower your calves towards the ground, and the return to the default position.
There are several other workout techniques, including push-ups, military press, and overhead stretch. All equipment used in the workouts should be returned to appropriate positions to avoid accidents, as injuries resulting from such accidents can be fatal.
Gary David is the founder and CEO of CrazyMass, one of the nation’s leading supplement companies. Before starting CrazyMass in 2006, Gary was a bodybuilder and personal trainer for several gyms throughout Northwest Michigan, helping clients meet their fitness goals. Gary happily worked in this profession for over 15 years. He saw that most weight gaining products to increase muscle were made with ingredients that were dangerous or of poor quality. He knew there was a safer and healthier way to do this, so he created a special blend of herbs, amino acids, and nutrients to help bodybuilders slim down and gain muscle.
Although Gary no longer participates in bodybuilding competitions, he continues to be involved in the community, helping others prep for shows and attending events where he can advertise CrazyMass products. When Gary isn’t working long hours, he likes to spend his time working out at the gym, boating on Lake Michigan, traveling the trails around Northern Michigan by four-wheeler, and spending time with his family. He also loves to take a yearly trip to Europe with his wife and children.
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