Some bodybuilders turn to a steroid called Trenbolone, commonly shortened to Tren, to help them build their impressive physique. This can deliver impressive results in a short period. But it comes with some nasty side effects. Most commonly, an uncomfortable cough which occurs shortly after you inject the drug. Let’s look at why this happens and whether it can be avoided. The Basics of Tren Before we go into depth about Tren cough, let’s run through the basics of this drug. Tren is a powerful anabolic steroid, used during the bulking cycle. Due to its potency, it can help you… Read More »

If you’ve been lifting weights for a while without getting the eye-popping muscles and shredded physique you want, you need to start incorporating supplements into your routine. The right combination of supplements and proper nutrition is the only way to gain bulk and muscle definition quickly. Most professional bodybuilders rely on a bulking stack to attain their goals in the gym. If you’ve never heard that term before, don’t worry: this guide will tell you everything you need to know about bulking stacks. What Is A Stack? A stack is any combination of muscle-building products taken together over a period of time.… Read More »

If you want to be successful in the gym, you need to master the basics. Such as figuring out how much rest between sets. This seems like a question that should have a simple answer. But it is a little more complex than it might first appear. You’ll need to factor in the type of exercise you want to complete. And consider what your goals are. For example, if you want to improve your endurance, you’ll need a short recovery time. Want to grow your strength? Give your muscles a longer break. This sounds confusing. But it doesn’t have to… Read More »

There are lots of things that bodybuilders might consider before they start a cycle. It’s common to focus on getting the right dose and making sure that the drug will be effective. But this can mean that other important details get overlooked. In particular, they fail to ask how long do anabolic steroids stay in your system. To make things more complex, each anabolic steroid has a slightly different half-life. This determines the most effective way for you to use them. Plus, it will determine your risk of getting caught on a drug test. Here is your basic guide to… Read More »

Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone) is one of the most popular anabolic steroids available today, and a lot of people will tell you that it is a weaker steroid, which carries less risk. But this is only true if you take the measures and care to educate yourself and take it responsibly. Deca is often used in bodybuilding cycles, where it is combined with the effects of other steroids for optimum results, and can be stacked with testosterone. As always, there are still risks when putting performance enhancing chemicals into your body – be sure to learn them, and how best to… Read More »

Dianabol, also known as Dbol, is a game-changer. Users report impressive performance. Massive amounts of muscle gain. Strength levels going through the roof. After a few cycles, you’ll be looking jacked. Faced with these gains, many people want to know how they can get in on the action. So, when’s the best time to start taking Dianabol? The answer to this question might prove more complex than you first thought. Let’s look at some of the factors that you need to consider. Experience With Steroids Start by thinking about how much experience you have with steroids. If you haven’t tried… Read More »

If you want to get bigger hams, glutes, and quads then you can’t skip leg day. If this is an area of weakness, there are plenty of ways that you can strengthen your legs. These workouts have been broken down depending on the goal you want to achieve. Every few weeks, you can shift your focus, so you’ll be able to work on a different aspect and continue to build leg strength. So, if you are ready to take the pain required to make the gains, here are some of the best leg workouts you can try. Beginner’s Leg Workout… Read More »

For many men, nothing is more embarrassing than developing man boobs. This type of chest fat can be persistent. The only way to eliminate it is by working out. But you’ll need to make sure that you are doing this right type of exercise. Here are some of the best ways to get rid of chest fat. Why Do People Have Chest Fat? Before we can start to find a way of eliminating chest fat, we first need to find the reason why you have man boobs. This will determine the best way to combat the fat. First, you might… Read More »

The biceps are one of the most noticeable regions of the arm. Everyone who wants to get into shape, can’t help but develop this particular area of the body. Whether it’s to impress someone or to look good in fitted t-shirts, working on the bicep has to be a part of your routine. The routines are relatively simple and vary in their level of effectiveness. Some of these techniques require specialized instruments and must be carried out in certain areas, while others require no equipment and can be carried out anywhere, at any time. These workouts don’t just make your… Read More »

The muscles of the chest require a lot of dedication to achieve mass and definition, so the chosen routine is going to be your top pick for fast results. With the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, it is sometimes difficult to obtain the desired results when facing our training routine. Unlike other muscles whose results are more apparent in less time, with these muscles, we can have setbacks if we do not apply the appropriate exercises. So let’s talk about the 5 Best Chest Muscles to Build Muscle! The Objectives: Volume, Definition, and Symmetry Everything depends on the objective, but… Read More »