Health & Nutrition

Get Cut With Natural Bodybuilding Supplements! Fat burning supplements can help with weight loss by increasing metabolism and minimizing cravings, ultimately aiding with maintaining a healthy appetite. They can also have cognitive enhancing abilities such as increased focus which will promote more energy and better workout potential. These make it a much easier process to lose that extra body fat, especially when plagued with health issues that make it even more difficult. Here, we are going to take a look at the top fat burning, fat incinerating supplements that are helping men achieve their weight loss goals. 1. CrazyMass Cutting… Read More »

There’s a lot of buzz about a “Black Label” testosterone supplement that got a famous professional wrestler fined and potentially suspended for its use. They claim it’s clinically proven to: “Boost testosterone production by over 167% Boost Energy Levels and Endurance by 252% [and] Reduce Muscle repair time by over 87%.” What research do they actually point to? Studies on its ingredients: “Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men.” Hormone and Metabolic Research “Zinc status and serum testosterone levels of healthy adults.” Nutrition “Asian herbals and aphrodisiacs used for managing ED.” Translational Andrology and Urology “Lowe serum… Read More »

Bring Out the Beast with Protein-Rich Wild Game You need protein but who says it has to come from the same old sources? Wild game is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and typically has less fat and more protein than the usual fare. Here are a few good sources to add to your meal rotation. Ostrich You may not find ostrich meat at your corner store, but it is worth a broader search. Compared with chicken in equal servings, you will get about 10 grams more protein with ostrich and more iron, too. Prepare ostrich as you would beef style… Read More »

4 Fall Vegetables for Cutting A diet rich in vegetables is important no matter your fitness goals. These colorful gems offer a number of benefits that help your body work better and reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic illnesses. They are low in calories, too. That makes veggies a must on your cutting menu. Here are four to include on your plate for breakfast lunch or dinner Broccoli Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable along with arugula, kale, Chinese cabbage and mustard greens. Cruciferous vegetables contain phytochemicals and nutrients that reduce the risk of cancer, detoxify carcinogens before they… Read More »

If the bulking cycle has been your excuse to eat whatever your heart desires, with no thought about nutrition or fat gains, it is time for a new plan. The bulking cycle isn’t only about calories in, it is also about quality nutrition. These four foods provide fuel for the kinds of hard workouts that get results. The bonus…they help you minimize fat gains and provide the nutrients your body need for better overall functioning. Meat All meat is not created equal. Sure, it is all an excellent source of protein but some sources also have plenty of fat. Fried… Read More »

Don’t Forget the Protein – Here are 4 Reasons Why Hard exercise places significant demands on the body. Many foods, such as beans, lean meats, and dairy products are good sources of protein, but that may not be enough. Additional protein helps you meet the demand of a hard workout and build muscle, too. Protein shakes sources include, pea whey, casein, soy, eggs, rice, milk, and hemp. Whey, a fast-digesting protein, is a common favorite. Choose the source that works best for you, but choose. Protein shakes are as essential to your workout as the workout itself. Protein shakes can… Read More »

The human body is made of mostly water, we cannot live without it. In fact, water is the most important nutrient we can take in. Just as adequate hydration optimizes virtually every function of the body, inadequate hydration has several negative impacts. The stakes are higher for bodybuilders. If you don’t drink enough water you are not doing enough to support your growth, recovery or performance. According to a National Institutes of Health article titled, Water, Hydration, and Health: During challenging athletic events, it is not uncommon for athletes to lose 6–10% of body weight in sweat loss, thus leading to dehydration if… Read More »