If you are serious about working out, you should use the five-day split. This system has been used by some of the best bodybuilders in the world for a reason because it works. You can target a different set of muscles each day. This allows you to work harder, doing more damage, so you’ll be able to get plenty of growth.

However, it will need you to spend most of the week in the gym to see results. If this is a commitment that you are willing to make, here is how you can design the optimal five-day split.


Pros and Cons of This Workout Approach

Let’s start by talking about the pros and cons of this approach, so you can decide whether it is right for you. There are plenty of benefits to the five-day split. It’s especially good for people who have been training for a while, ensuring that you are targeting all the muscles in your body evenly. When used properly, you will be able to achieve amazing results.

Plus, this is a safe method of working out. When you are targeting similar parts of the body every day, there is a risk that you will over-excerpt your muscles and injure yourself. This approach ensures that you are giving your muscles plenty of time to heal.

But this approach isn’t without its critics. It will be a huge commitment, which can prove too much for some people. In this case, they might be better off doing a whole-body workout.

The biggest criticism though is that it might not be the most effective way to gain strength. Research suggests that it’s better to work a specific muscle group more frequently, this will allow you to see the biggest gains. This might not be possible if you are only working on it once a week.

The best way to overcome this is by making sure that you are approaching each session with maximum intensity. Remember, you need to do a week’s worth of work within a single day. You’ll need to be doing this five times a week.

Know the Rules of a 5-Day Workout Split

Before we can go talk about how to put these workouts together, we need to go through a few basic ground rules. This will ensure that you don’t end up hurting yourself.

First, this is something that is only recommended for people who are experienced bodybuilders. You need to have spent some time building the right level of volume. This will ensure that you are preparing your body for what lies ahead. It also gives you some time to make sure that you have the right nutritional plan.

It’s also important to think about how you are planning on targeting muscle groups. For example, you don’t want to have two or three days in a row when you are working on the upper body. You need to make sure that you are giving yourself enough time to recover.

You also need to think about the type of exercises you are doing each day. You want to pick ones that will complement each other, rather than just repeating the same movements.  It’s often a good idea to limit your workout sessions to an hour. This reduces the risk of fatigue. It also forces you to focus on choosing the best possible exercises, getting the most out of each session.

Next, you should aim to start your session working with heavier weights and doing fewer reps. At the end of the set, you can shift to slightly lighter weights, doing an increased number of reps. This allows you to finish each session with a pump. Remember to adjust the amount of weight you are using over time, as your strength increases.

Finally, you might find that the workout program starts to lose its effectiveness after a few months. In this case, you will need to start looking for ways to change it up. You might want to bring in new exercises, or you can increase the intensity of each session.

Guidelines For Each Session

There are a few guidelines that you should follow when you are setting up your workout plan. In this case, you will need to follow these simple guidelines:

  • You should warm up your muscles first. Do as many of these sets as you need to. Only use light weights, you shouldn’t be approaching muscle failure in the warm-up.
  • Use four to five exercises for a larger muscle group
  • Pick two to four exercises for a smaller muscle group
  • Aim to rest for 60 to 90 seconds between sets
  • Start with an alternating arm muscle each set.

Examples of a 5-Day Workout Split

Now that you know the rules that you should be following, it’s time to look at some examples of a 5-day split workout. This should make it easier for you to get the right one to fit with your life.

Five Days On and Two Days Rest

Let’s start with the most common way of creating a 5-day workout split. This will suit many people’s lifestyles, giving you some time off on the weekend. You won’t need to spend time going into the gym. On Monday, you will be well-rested and ready to begin another cycle.

Here are the series of exercises that you should be following in the cycle:

  1. Chest
  2. Legs
  3. Back and Rear Delts
  4. Front and Lateral Delts and Traps
  5. Arms
  6. Rest and Recovery
  7. Rest and Recovery

Resting Every Third Day

Another popular option that you can explore is resting every third day. On the downside, you will need to work out on the weekends. But as a positive, you will get a rest before you take on any major muscle groups. Plus, with the right plan, you will be able to boost your arm growth, working on them over consecutive days. Here is an example of the cycle you can follow in this plan:

  1. Triceps and other chest muscles
  2. Biceps and back muscles
  3. Rest and recovery
  4. Shoulders and traps
  5. Arms
  6. Rest and recovery
  7. Chest and triceps
  8. Legs
  9. Rest and recovery

Boosting Gains

Working out in a five-day split workout can be one of the most effective ways to get gains across all your muscle groups. There are a few simple things you can do to optimize the amount of muscle you are producing.

First, you’ll need to pair your workouts with a good diet. This will give your body the fuel it needs to keep energized and build muscle mass. This is most important with this approach, as you will be working out every day. Sometimes, you might need to have a starchy snack during the middle of a workout, to give your body the energy it needs to finish the session.

It can also help to use supplements. These have been specially formulated and scientifically tested to ensure that they will be an effective way of increasing gains. Crazy Mass has multiple legal options to choose from, each generating superb results.

You’ll also need to ensure that you are staying well-hydrated. This will replace the sweat lost during training and will help you boost muscle mass. Because of this, you might need to use electrolytes after a workout to replace lost fluids. Drinking plenty of water will also reduce hunger, making it easier to stick to your diet plan.

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The way that you train will determine the type of gains you receive. The five-day split workout will be intense, requiring you to put your maximum effort into each session. But if you are willing to put in the work, and stick with the workout routine, you’ll be able to see excellent results.