Human Growth Hormone HGH


Pituitary Growth Hormones are associated with building lean muscle, burning fat, enhancing performance, improving endurance, reducing recovery time and even possessing anti-aging properties. Bodybuilders, athletes and celebrities spend thousands of dollars, and break the law, by using illegal synthetic supplements to try to get a competitive edge and capture the “Mass Building fountain of youth.”

At CrazyMass, we strongly believe in using all-natural ways to increase HGH instead of using illegal steroids that may harm your body.

Natural Supplement Alternatives to Human Growth Hormone

Frequently Asked Pituitary Growth Hormone Questions

Yes, initially hGH (note the small H) was harvested from cadavers. This practice has been discontinued and synthetic Somatropin is much more effective than the original hGH.

No, Somatropin has been banned by all major athletic organizations and the IOC (International Olympic Committee).

The pituitary gland produces HGH (Human Growth Hormone), which is essential for human development, including building muscle mass, bone density and regulating growth. HGH production peaks in adolescence and diminishes in adulthood. While most steroids are DHT based, HGH is a peptide hormone that is naturally occurring in our bodies. Unlike androgenic steroids, it works primarily in the pituitary gland and not directly on the muscles. HGH supplements are used to boost cell reproduction and muscle growth.

HGH legal steroid alternatives have exploded on the market, and HGH supplements are formulated to stimulate the natural production of HGH in the body. These legal HGH anabolics are referred to as “HGH releasers.

Like in many other countries, in Canada, the HGH is a prescription-only drug and should be used only for medical purposes. It cannot be imported or sold for personal use without a doctor’s prescription. HGH is a very powerful drug and requires professional monitoring to be used safely and efficiently.

On the other hand, while HGH injections are banned until prescribed, there are HGH supplements sold by sport nutrition stores. There you can buy them legally without a prescription. HGH supplements are also known as enhancers or boosters, do not contain pure human growth hormone. So, they are not manufactured to substitute the HGH production but rather to support the production of the hormone from the pituitary gland.

According to the Canadian regulation, HGH supplements are legal, but you should be aware of the ingredients they contain as not all of them may be useful. Buying the supplements from the quality companies will lower the risk of getting any risky experiences. There are some guidelines provided by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency where you can find some useful information on the matter as well as the regulations concerning food and drugs.

In Australia, HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is legal when prescribed by a physician to treat a number of medical conditions.  


Human Growth Hormone or HGH is a naturally occurring peptide in the human body; however, as a steroid, it is sold as the prescription drug Somatropin. Other names that are commonly used include GH (Growth Hormone), Soma, hGH, GH and HGH, Somatrem and Humatrope.


While the link between the pituitary gland and growth was identified as far back as the late 1800s, growth hormone (GH) therapy wasn’t used to treat deficient adolescents and children until the late 1960s. After seeking solutions with subprimates using bovine GH, researchers were able to utilize human GH extracted from cadaver pituitaries.¹

Following a contamination related to Mad Cow disease, the FDA halted distribution of cadaver-derived HGH. Shortly thereafter a method of manufacturing HGH using recombinant bacteria became available.²

HGH quickly expanded beyond pituitary treatments to many other uses – especially sports doping. April 2012 marked the first time a US Olympic athlete tested positive for HGH.³


HGH is different from other steroids since it tends to be more of an ‘enhancer’ rather than delivering a direct steroidal effect like Dianabol or Trenbolone. HGH supplements have been widely used since the early 1980s and many athletes and celebrities swear by Human Growth Hormone.

What is Somatropin’s (HGH) Use?

Growth hormones have wide-ranging applications, including increasing efficiency in industrial livestock farming to treating disorders of the pituitary gland which result in dwarfism.

HGH supplements may increase calcium retention (increases bone mass and decreases osteoporosis), accelerates protein synthesis (helps build muscle mass), reduces glucose uptake in the liver, and may help increase height in adolescents. HGH is even attributed to increasing cognitive functions.

These benefits make GH a very much in demand steroid in the performance enhancing and bodybuilding community.

HGH/Soma Side Effects

Is HGH safe? Unlike many other steroids, the negative side effects of Somatropin can take a long time to present (compared to a drug like Trenbolone, which can exhibit side effects in hours).

Injection Site Reactions Anytime you inject a steroid there is risk of injection-site reactions like sore muscles, inflammation, and infections like Cellulitis.
Joint Inflammation Sore joints similar to arthritis have been reported as a Human Growth Hormone side effect.
Increased Risk of Diabetes The reduced glucose uptake in the liver can eventually lead to diabetic disorders.
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma In rare cases, this deadly type of cancer is believed to be the result of the increased immune activity caused by human growth hormone supplement use.

HGH Steroid Cycles and Stacks

Somatropin is a complementary steroid that can be stacked with other steroids for bulking or cutting cycles. The additional growth potential from the HGH supplements enhances nearly every steroid on the market.

Where to Buy HGH Steroids

Somatropin and all human growth hormone supplement steroids are listed under the Crime Control Act of 1990 as a felony to possess for any reason other than approved uses. This means that anyone in the United States buying HGH for performance enhancement is doing so illegally. On rare occasions, some doctors may prescribe Soma. Most people looking to buy growth hormone do so from the internet or black market. Black market sales are illegal and risky, without any legal oversight for safety or purity.

Are There Any Legal Alternatives To Soma?

CrazyMass’ P-MB Elite Series, is one of the most powerful HGH legal steroid alternatives. Unlike many “HGH Releasers,” CrazyMass P-MB Elite Series includes Deer Antler Velvet, which contains IGF-1 or Insulin-like growth factor. IGF-1 is a muscle builder and fat burner and aids in endurance and recovery times.

There are so many options out there when it comes to a human growth hormone supplement, but here are just a few reasons why you should choose ours:

  • It will give you massive pumps
  • It will make you extremely focused and driven during your workout
  • It’s fast-acting and extremely easy to use

One of the best things about HGH is that isn’t only used for growth. It helps promote healthier skin, a stronger immune system, and better brain function. It’s an all-around high-quality product that many fitness fanatics can benefit from. And unlike other human growth hormone products on the market, it will not elevate your blood pressure or cause toxicity to the liver or your kidneys.

Deer Antler Velvet ‘IGF-1, or insulin growth factor-1 has also found favor among athletes for the same reasons as HGH: It is believed to make an athlete bigger, faster and stronger. It may boost muscle, reduce fat and improve endurance,’ according to the New York Times.