Building a stunning physique takes a lot of time and dedication. But getting the bulging muscles that bodybuilders crave will require an extra ingredient. You might need to turn to drugs, like Sermorelin and Ipamorelin.
Both of these peptides have the same function, boosting the amount of growth hormones your body is producing. This gets more important as we grow older and the amount of growth hormones our body makes starts to naturally decline. Reversing this process will allow you to pack on lean muscle more easily. Before you try these supplements for yourself, there’s one important question to answer. Which peptide will you choose? To help you make the right choice, let’s look at Sermorelin vs Ipamorelin, to see which drug comes out on top.
How Do These Drugs Work?
Both of these drugs are peptides. This means that they are made from amino acids. Their purpose is to stimulate your body to produce Human Growth Hormone (HGH). This is something your body does naturally. However, the amount of growth hormones taken tends to drop off as we get older. Taking these drugs will supercharge growth hormone production.
It should be noted that this is different from steroids. Anabolic steroids raise your testosterone levels.
The Basics Of Ipamorelin
Ipamorelin works by stimulating ghrelin receptors. These are also known as the hunger hormones. This activates the pituitary gland. As a result, you’ll be releasing a flood of human growth hormones. Interestingly, this drug was originally developed to help people with gastrointestinal issues. However, production was quickly stopped when it became clear that it wasn’t delivering results. But it wasn’t the end of the line for Ipamorelin. Bodybuilders noticed it could produce growth hormones. Before long, the drug was appearing in gyms.
Benefits Of Ipamorelin
Increasing the amount of growth hormones in your system comes with a long list of advantages. One of the biggest benefits is the ability to reduce your body fat while making it easier to gain lean muscle. This will help you create the shredded look that bodybuilders crave.
This drug can make it easier for you to push yourself in the gym. For example, it can help raise your energy levels. It can also improve nerve healing, lowering your recovery time after an intense session. Other peptides can boost your hunger levels, which can make it harder to stick to a diet. This effect is milder when taking Ipamorelin.
However, there are a range of other ancillary side effects to consider. First, this drug can help you increase your collagen levels. This can help create youthful skin, making you appear younger. It’s believed this drug also increases your bone density. This is especially beneficial for older people, lowering the chance of breaking a bone after a fall.
This drug might also have some positive mental health impacts. For example, some people report that they sleep better when taking Ipamorelin. It can also raise your sex drive. This is better than many anabolic steroids, which can destroy your libido.
However, all of this should be taken with a massive grain of salt. This drug never made it to human trials. So, it’s difficult to know precisely how it will affect you. To make things worse, animal testing produced some lackluster results. Because of this, the real-world impacts might not deliver the results you are looking for. In some cases, people have claimed the drug has even caused them to gain weight.
Downsides Of Ipamorelin
There are certainly some reasons to get excited about Ipamorelin. But it isn’t all good news. Taking this drug can come with some major drawbacks. First, as we mentioned earlier, this drug isn’t used medically anymore. Because of this, you’ll need to negotiate some black market channels to buy Ipamorelin. Any Ipamorelin that you can get your hands on isn’t approved for human use.
Though this drug is milder than anabolic steroids, there are still some nasty side effects for you to consider. First, some people report headaches or becoming dizzy. At other times, you might become fatigued. Some users report water retention. This isn’t ideal for a drug that you are taking during the cutting cycle.
This drug might also affect your fingers and toes. Some people report that they become numb. Others go one step further, saying that they develop the symptoms of carpel tunnel disease. This can cause you to feel pain in your fingers or your fingers becoming so numb that they become unusable. If you experience these harsh side effects, you should stop taking the drug and seek medical advice.
Half-Life Of Ipamorelin
Ipamorelin has a fairly short half-life. It will only stay in your body for two hours. If you want, you can get it out of your system even quicker by injecting the drugs directly into your veins. However, this injection method carries a higher level of risk.
The Basics Of Sermorelin
Unlike Ipamorelin, Sermorelin is used today in medical practice. But only in a limited number of circumstances. Mostly, it is used to treat children who have low levels of growth hormones. This can lead to conditions like dwarfism. It works similarly to Ipamorelin, stimulating the pituitary gland to trigger the release of human growth hormones.
Benefits Of Sermorelin
Sermorelin can deliver a lot of the benefits associated with taking Ipamorelin. In particular, it can help increase the amount of lean muscle you are building. At the same time, it can help you lose weight, improving your muscle definition. Because of this, many bodybuilders choose to use this as part of the cutting cycle, helping them get in shape before a competition.
There are a few other ancillary benefits you can expect. In particular, growth hormones can help you improve the quality of your sleep. It might also be able to boost your immune system, protecting you from disease.
Downsides Of Sermorelin
Of course, there are a few big downsides to taking a drug like Sermorelin. Sometimes, you might develop persistent headaches. Some people can become nauseous, which can even result in vomiting. You might also find it harder to swallow. This drug can sap your energy levels.
There are a few other, rarer, symptoms to be on the lookout for. First, some people report that they got a hive breakout after taking Sermorelin. At other times, you might notice your food losing its flavor. Some people report that they find it harder to sit still. While these symptoms will be disconcerting, they aren’t going to be a risk to your health.
Half-Life Of Sermorelin
The half-life is one of the biggest differences between Sermorelin vs Ipamorelin. Its half-life is far shorter than Ipamorelin. It will only last for between 10 to 20 minutes. This has a few benefits. For example, because it is out of your system so quickly, it will be hard to detect on a drug test. Getting caught using these substances could mean the end of your bodybuilding career.
How To Use Ipamorelin And Sermorelin
It can be a little tricky to use these drugs. They will come in powdered form. Because of this, you will need to mix them with bacteriostatic water. This is water that is designed to prevent bacterial growth, ensuring that it is safe to inject into your body. Before you inject, inspect the needle carefully. Make sure that the power has completely combined with the water. You should check that there are no air bubbles and that you are using a clean needle.
From there, you just need to find an injection site. The quads work best, as there aren’t any nerves and there are fewer blood vessels. Pick a different injecting site each time.
Which One Should You Choose?
When deciding between Sermorelin vs Ipamorelin there are lots of things you should consider. To help you make up your mind, let’s run through some of the biggest differences between these drugs.
How Long The Effects Last
The first thing to consider is how long the increase in growth hormones will last. Ipamorelin might stay in your system longer, but the effects will pass quickly. Your growth hormone production will typically peak within about 40 minutes.
Sermorelin will last slightly longer. Growth hormone production will peak one to two hours after taking the drug. Once you have reached the peak, you’ll start to return to natural levels slowly. Because of this, it’s best to take these drugs shortly before you hit the gym.
Severity Of The Side Effects
Both Sermorelin and Ipamorelin are fairly mild, especially when combined with anabolic steroids. Sermorelin, though, might be a little milder. For example, you don’t need to stress about your hands becoming numb.
Both of these are difficult to obtain. Sermorelin has limited medical uses, making it hard to obtain a prescription legally. Because of this, you will need to turn to the black market. Without FDA protection, it’s impossible to say what is contained in the drugs you are buying. A bad batch could have severe side effects.
In the debate of Sermorelin vs Ipamorelin, this round can be called a draw. Both of these drugs work in the same way, activating the pituitary gland to produce growth hormones. However, Ipamorelin might have a slight edge. Sermorelin struggles to push growth hormone production above natural levels. On the other hand, Ipamorelin isn’t backed by scientific testing, like Sermorelin.
Scientific Testing
Before taking any drug it’s important to make sure that it has been tested and is effective. This is an area that Ipamorelin struggles with. As we mentioned, there wasn’t much testing done before it was withdrawn. On the other hand, Sermorelin has gone through extensive human testing and is currently being used in the medical industry. With more research done into the drug’s effects, Sermorelin is the safer option.
Alternative Ways To Boost Your Growth Hormone Production
It can be fun arguing the pros and cons of Sermorelin vs Ipamorelin. But these aren’t the only two options on the market. Let’s look at some other ways to boost the number of growth hormones in your system.
Other Types Of Peptides
There are some other peptides that you can try. One of the most prominent examples is CJC 1295. This will help you increase your protein synthesis while improving growth hormone production. This comes with a wide range of benefits. For example, you might be able to help improve your cardiovascular system and reduce the amount of time you need to dedicate to recovery. This peptide pairs well with Ipamorelin.
Another option to explore is a Tesamorelin. This is an alternative to Sermorelin. Both have limited medical uses and both have been studied scientifically. However, it is slower to act. You’ll need to wait for three months for the effects to begin to appear. By six months, growth hormone production will have peaked.
Cutting Steroids
These technically don’t raise your growth hormone levels. But they will deliver the same effects. For example, you’ll be able to rapidly lose weight while building lean muscle. Just be aware that anabolic steroids are more powerful than peptides. This means a more dramatic shift during the cutting cycle. But it also means that you will get more powerful side effects. For example, in the short term, be prepared to experience acne outbreaks and baldness. Anabolic steroids will take a severe toll on your liver and heart over the long term. Even worse, they have been known to cause cancer.
Taking Natural Supplements
The good news is that there is a safe, natural, alternative for you to explore. Crazy Mass has a range of products to help you during the cutting cycle. Our supplements mimic the effects of steroids like Winstrol. These powerful results will allow you to get into shape fast, seeing results within weeks. But they are made from natural ingredients and have been approved by the FDA. Because of this, there is no need to worry about encountering nasty side effects or destroying your bodybuilding career with a failed drug test.
Trying to choose between Sermorelin vs Ipamorelin is difficult. At the end of the day, it all comes down to your personal preference. Ipamorelin might be slightly more powerful, but Sermorelin is backed by science. The best option, though, is to steer clear of peptides entirely and choose a natural alternative from Crazy Mass. You’ll be getting the same effects without putting your health at risk.
Gary David is the founder and CEO of CrazyMass, one of the nation’s leading supplement companies. Before starting CrazyMass in 2006, Gary was a bodybuilder and personal trainer for several gyms throughout Northwest Michigan, helping clients meet their fitness goals. Gary happily worked in this profession for over 15 years. He saw that most weight gaining products to increase muscle were made with ingredients that were dangerous or of poor quality. He knew there was a safer and healthier way to do this, so he created a special blend of herbs, amino acids, and nutrients to help bodybuilders slim down and gain muscle.
Although Gary no longer participates in bodybuilding competitions, he continues to be involved in the community, helping others prep for shows and attending events where he can advertise CrazyMass products. When Gary isn’t working long hours, he likes to spend his time working out at the gym, boating on Lake Michigan, traveling the trails around Northern Michigan by four-wheeler, and spending time with his family. He also loves to take a yearly trip to Europe with his wife and children.