You might be tempted to ditch your discipline during summer vacation – don’t. Creeping flab is relentless and doesn’t take a vacation, even if you do. At the very least your goal should be to maintain your hard-won muscle gains. These tips and tricks will help.
Don’t skip your protein powder
Start the day with a protein shake. Our whey protein powder contains nearly 7 grams of BCAA’s (branched chain amino acids) and 25 grams of protein per serving. Why have it for breakfast? You need protein to build and maintain muscle. Protein also promotes satiety, so you’re less likely to overindulge on vacation treats, and fat loss – especially the spare tire. Have protein, will travel, Crazymass ISO IGNITE is portable and non-perishable.
Use what your mama gave ya!
If your vacation getaway has more beach equipment than gym equipment, no sweat. Do bodyweight exercise to get your workout in any way. You don’t need any special equipment and you can do bodyweight exercises anywhere, even on the beach. What’s more, there are some great benefits. Body weight exercise improves relative strength, flexibility, and core strength. Good examples include the single leg bridge, push-ups, clap push-ups, planks, and squats. Plug these exercises into a HIIT training (High-Intensity Interval Training) routine to get more bang for your exercise buck.
Keep stacking to keep packing on muscle
We have stacks for strength building and cutting. And we have products for your bulking stack cycle, too. Each is specially formulated to work together for better results than you could get with exercise alone. Crazymass legal steroids are designed with safety and success in mind. That means more bulk, more strength and more lean muscle mass without side effects or organ damage. You might need a vacation from work but continue your supplements. You can supplement with your stack for 8 weeks before needing to take 10 days off.
Plan an active vacation
You’ve worked hard in the gym building strength, stamina, and muscle. Put it to work on vacation. Row hard, rock climb, build houses on a mission trip or sign up for an adventure vacation. Flab can’t creep in when your vacation includes fun ways to put your muscles to good use.
Stay hydrated
Beers and beach drinks shouldn’t be the only liquid you take in. You need plenty of water no matter where you are. It is calorie free and your muscles need water to be their best.
Don’t let your fitness gains go down the drain during summer vacation. Stay the course with bodyweight exercise, protein shakes, and your stack. Even if you ease up, your goal is to maintain while you have a little fun. Don’t lose sight of the goal.
Gary David is the founder and CEO of CrazyMass, one of the nation’s leading supplement companies. Before starting CrazyMass in 2006, Gary was a bodybuilder and personal trainer for several gyms throughout Northwest Michigan, helping clients meet their fitness goals. Gary happily worked in this profession for over 15 years. He saw that most weight gaining products to increase muscle were made with ingredients that were dangerous or of poor quality. He knew there was a safer and healthier way to do this, so he created a special blend of herbs, amino acids, and nutrients to help bodybuilders slim down and gain muscle.
Although Gary no longer participates in bodybuilding competitions, he continues to be involved in the community, helping others prep for shows and attending events where he can advertise CrazyMass products. When Gary isn’t working long hours, he likes to spend his time working out at the gym, boating on Lake Michigan, traveling the trails around Northern Michigan by four-wheeler, and spending time with his family. He also loves to take a yearly trip to Europe with his wife and children.
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