Clenbuterol, better known as Clen, has a long history. It is used as a decongestant. Used to help those with asthma. But it has another use. Within the fitness community, Clen is used as a cutting drug. Its thermogenic properties help you control fat, losing weight to better show off your muscles. But there are a few things you need to know to take this drug safely. For example, you need to know the Clen half-life to estimate the right dosage. You should know the side effects, to evaluate if the risks are worth it. Here’s everything you need to… Read More »

Many bodybuilders rely on steroids to boost their gym gains. This can lead to exceptional physiques with bulging muscles. But there is a dark side. These drugs are illegal. Without federal regulation, there is no way to tell what’s in your tablets or injectables. If you aren’t careful, this can lead to major problems. A fake batch could make you sick. In the worst-case scenario, you could poison yourself. But how can you protect yourself? How to spot fake testosterone? Let’s look at what you need to know. How Common Are Fake Steroids Finding the exact number of fake steroids… Read More »

Steroids are well-loved in the bodybuilding world because they help you put on muscle mass quickly and build a ripped body. When it comes to steroids, you have two choices. Either take them as an injection or take them orally. The oral steroids are the clear winners here because you don’t need to worry about the fallout of using a dirty needle or causing nerve damage by putting the needle into the wrong place. Simply swallow a pill. You have plenty of options for you to choose from. Each with a unique set of pros and cons. Let’s dig into… Read More »

Though there are plenty of steroids on the market, they can be broken down into two varieties. Wet and dry. Debate rages about which option is best. Let’s delve into the differences between dry muscle vs wet muscle, letting you pick the approach that best suits you. What Is A Wet Steroid Wet steroids get their name because they aromatize. Converting to estrogen. This produces a range of side effects. One of the most noticeable impacts is increasing your water retention levels. Building the water levels between your muscle cells. This has earned the name of wet steroids. Because of… Read More »

Many people take steroids to help them build muscle. This isn’t about vanity. For many, it’s about building their self-confidence. But this comes at a price. There are a lot of side effects to take into account. Of these, one of the most important elements for men is how the drug will affect their penis size. A shrinking penis will destroy your self-confidence and might affect your relationship. But is there any link between steroids and penis size? Determining Natural Penis Size Let’s start by looking at what determines your natural penis size. During puberty, a range of things occur.… Read More »

In the debate on how to get fit most efficiently, it can be tough to separate hype from reality. A famous debate involves isometric vs. isotonic exercise. Which is better for strength building or muscle growth? Which works fastest? Isometric exercises tend to be static and better for gentle muscle development, while isotonic exercises target more muscle groups with greater intensity and more growth. Both can be helpful in different contexts, but care should be used to match workout intensity with your fitness and health level. Keep reading to learn more about isometric vs. isotonic exercises, how they differ, and… Read More »

Bodybuilders are accustomed to using a wide range of supplements and medications to help them achieve maximum muscle growth, bigger physiques, and greater overall endurance. One of the more popular drugs on the market for this purpose is Halodrol. So what is Halodrol, and how does it work? Halodrol is a prohormone that can increase natural male testosterone levels and encourage muscle growth, increase endurance, and even promote weight loss. However, some negative and serious side effects to Halodrol exist, and caution should be used when considering this prohormone for muscle growth. Keep reading to learn more about Halodrol, its… Read More »

For most bodybuilders, the key to success is to combine exercise with healthy eating. We’ve all heard that a healthy, high-protein diet is best for increasing mass and staying in shape. But what about dirty bulking? What does this term mean, and is this gain method right for you? Dirty bulking is the practice of eating calorie-dense less healthy food to help fuel rapid weight gain while bulking. While freeing the athlete to eat more of what they enjoy, the process can take a toll on one’s health, and the risks, as well as benefits, of this system should be… Read More »

There are a plethora of bulking supplements on the market today, many claiming to achieve identical results, and all of them claiming to be safe. One popular drug is Ostarine. What is Ostarine, what does it do, and is it safe? Ostarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator drug that binds to androgen receptors, mimicking the effects of boosted testosterone. This, in turn, causes the body to produce more muscle faster. However, the drug is not approved for human use in its original form, and caution should be used with Ostarine as there are some negative side effects. Keep reading… Read More »

There are numerous drugs that bodybuilders use to boost their results in the gym. But S23 is often claimed to be one of the most effective. So, what is S23 and what are some of the benefits and risks of using it? S23 is one of the strongest selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). It will help users gain lean muscle while losing weight, making it a common part of the cutting cycle for bodybuilders. But it can lead to a range of side effects including smaller testicles, anger issues, hair loss, and testosterone shutdown. There are a few factors to… Read More »