Health & Nutrition

If you ask the average American, there’s almost a 50 percent chance that they’ll tell you they want to lose weight. If you ask the average bodybuilder, though, there’s a good chance their goal is to gain muscle mass and start “bulking.” Are you in this camp right now? Are you trying to put on size for your next show? If so, read on to learn about seven foods and drinks you ought to avoid while putting together your bulking meal plan. 1. High-Sugar Foods Some people assuming that entering a bulking phase gives you a free pass to eat… Read More »

Did you know that an average man who trains 4 times a week can gain around 2 pounds of muscle mass each month? If you want to get the best results for all of your effort, make smart lifestyle choices inside and outside of the gym. Do you want to learn how to pack on the most amount of muscle mass in the shortest amount of time? Keep reading for 10 bodybuilder diet and exercise tips that can help you get shredded. 1. Protein Is Crucial Since protein is the building blocks of muscles, you need to make sure you’re… Read More »

It would be very surprising to find a single human alive who has never suffered from a twitching muscle. Here in the bodybuilding sphere, muscle twitches are a necessary and accepted part of life. They usually come on at the worst possible moments too. Sometimes a muscle twitch will visit when you are mid-competition and desperate to look your best… So what causes your muscles to twitch and, most importantly, how do you stop it?  CrazyMass turned to the professionals for advice. Why Do Our Muscles Twitch? There are several reasons why your muscles might start to twitch. Most of… Read More »

Human Growth Hormones are essential to the body at several different levels, serving vital functions such as regulating your metabolism and controlling cell repair. Of course, it is also known to boost muscle growth and strength endurance, which is probably why bodybuilders are seeking out natural ways to increase this hormone in their bodies with as little risk to their health as possible. Anabolic steroids come with many dangerous side effects and can lead to worrying conditions such as low testosterone disorder, and even the growth of female breast tissue in males.   What are Human Growth Hormones? (HGH) Human growth… Read More »

What is the key to muscle growth? Muscle growth — sometimes known as hypertrophy — is the development of mass, density, shape, and function of muscle cells. This adaptation allows the muscle to meet exercise/function-induced stress. If I keep lifting weights at the gym, shouldn’t that increase my muscle mass? There are two components to muscle growth; the first one is intensity in your workout, and the second component is your calorie intake. Yes, what you put in your body will make or break your muscle gains. They go hand in hand. Realistically, it doesn’t make sense to work out… Read More »

Even if you’ve heard of acetyl L-carnitine before, you might have had some trouble recalling its name – there’s a reason lots of folks like to reduce it to just “ALCAR” or “ALC.”  Regardless of what you may choose to call it, though, there’s little denying that, for the health-conscious among us, there are a considerable number of benefits to taking acetyl L-carnitine – especially in regards to losing weight.  What Is Acetyl L-Carnitine? But just in case you’ve not heard of it yet: carnitine is an amino acid produced by our liver and kidneys, playing a significant role in giving our… Read More »

Bodybuilding requires a maintained level of steroid production and consumption. However, the intense physical activity needed by bodybuilding quickly depletes the supply of natural hormones. Hence, bodybuilders often resort to supplementing themselves with steroids that may be dangerous or illegal. The wild yam root is a natural substance that provides a solution to this predicament. Certain steroids, namely progesterone – can be obtained from the wild yam root and contribute to the body’s hormone production that is necessary to successfully bodybuild. Image credit: Marco Schmidt [1] [CC BY-SA 2.5 (] What Is Wild Yam Root? Wild yams are a vine-like plant… Read More »

Food as fuel is as essential for your body as gas is fuel for your car. You can’t function without it. There is some truth to the expression that you are what you eat. Quality counts, so choose foods that support your health and fitness goals. When you are working on reaching your bodybuilding goals, it’s essential to have proper nutrition such as protein-packed foods. Protein is essential in building strength and muscle while you are in your bulking cycle. Don’t Forget Your Protein Shake There are plenty of natural foods that assist in maximizing strength, but it’s always good… Read More »

Steroid alternatives are a good first stop to look at ways to help bulk up more efficiently. These are tools that help make your workouts more efficient. However, they are not enough. You need to make sure that you get plenty of protein to ensure that you are bulking up in a healthy and efficient manner. There are so many different proteins available; you may be wondering which one is the best choice for bulking up. Here you will learn how whey protein for bulking and what makes this option the best choice. Whey Protein: The Bodybuilder’s Choice Protein is… Read More »

Get Cut With Natural Bodybuilding Supplements! Fat burning supplements can help with weight loss by increasing metabolism and minimizing cravings, ultimately aiding with maintaining a healthy appetite. They can also have cognitive enhancing abilities such as increased focus which will promote more energy and better workout potential. These make it a much easier process to lose that extra body fat, especially when plagued with health issues that make it even more difficult. Here, we are going to take a look at the top fat burning, fat incinerating supplements that are helping men achieve their weight loss goals. 1. CrazyMass Cutting… Read More »